Welcome to Mrs. Abbott’s Dream Team
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Our report cards will be sent home the week of March 2nd.
As many of you know, conferences will be primarily done on an
“as-needed basis” for students needing additional academic,
social or emotional support. I will be contacting you via email
to set up a conference time. If you do not receive a conference email
and would like to meet with me, just email me and we can schedule a
time. My door is always open:)
Our Valentine's Party was a huge success! Thank you to everyone
for sending in treats and supplies, as well as helping your child
create a box and write Valentine’s. The students had a wonderful
time. I would like to acknowledge that we did have several students
Out for sickness. Just so you know we missed them and have their
Valentine treats waiting for them. Also, some parents sent in the
Valentines and they were passed out to their classmates. If your
child still has his/her Valentine cards they can pass them out
On Monday:) Have a great week!
Important Upcoming Events:
End of 2nd Trimester: 2/28
Report Cards week of March 2nd
Late Starts: 2/19, 2/26
Weekly Special Schedule:
Mon., Feb., 17th (E) - Gym Music
Tues., Feb., 18th - (F) Math Center, Gym Music
Wed., Feb., 19th - (A) Late Start, Gym, No S.E.L
Thurs., Feb., 20th - (B) Music
Fri., Feb., 21st - (C) Media
Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI 49085
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