Welcome to Mrs. Abbott’s Dream Team

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Dear Parents,

We will be going to the Planetarium this Tuesday morning. Our Valentine's
Party will be Friday, February, 14th from 2:30-3:30. At this party, our class
exchanges Valentine's cards and eat snacks brought in by the committee
parents signed up for at our Parent night in the fall. If you would like your
child to participate, you can send in cards. Also, if your child wants to create
and decorate a card box, he/she can make one at home and bring it in on that
day. Here is the class list of names for the cards. I also posted the list in Google
Classroom under the heading of Valentine's Day class list.

1. Arianna Alexander
2. Ava Armstrong
3.Gianna Ashbrook
4.Louis Brainard
5. Lucille Carrion
6. Owen De Jong
7. Ana Ellett
8. Ellery Flynn
9. Maisy Gable
10. Cole Gage

11. Zoe Hume
12. Charlie Kalin
13. Annika Lanier
14. Reuben Lorenz
15. Isabella Manderino
16. Eleanor Minton
17. Colin Peek
18. Ashton Peterson
19.Lainey Poole
20. Milah Renbarger
21. Laina Roche
22. Donevin Ruchti
23. Aiden Sauer
24. Layla Scott
25. Elizabeth Siegrist
26.Abigail Steinke

 Important Upcoming Events:
End of 2nd Trimester: 2/28
Late Starts: 2/5, 2/12, 2/26
Weekly Special Schedule:
Mon., Feb., 3rd (A) - Gym, S.E.L
Tues., Feb., 4th - (B) Math Center, Music
Wed., Feb., 5th - (C) Late Start, Media Center
Thurs., Feb., 6th - (D) Art
Fri., Feb., 7th - (E) Art
Google Classroom Link: https://classroom.google.com/w/NDA3MDc2NTU4Njha/t/all
Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI 49085


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