Welcome to Mrs. Abbott’s Dream Team!

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Dear Families,
    The Student-Led Conferences are going well. It's been wonderful meeting as a student, parent and teacher team! Each student in our class is working hard at setting "smart goals" and striving for a Growth Mindset. I look forward to meeting with the rest of the students and parents this next week:)
  Google Classroom update. I will begin inviting guardians into GC. You should receive a summary each week of some activities your child is doing in GC. I have uploaded a screenshot example of the summary. I am explaining in a little more detail at conferences how to interpret the summary and the intent of GC for 4th graders. I really need to emphasize to everyone that the summary has a heading that says “missing” or “due”.  The assignments are meant for extra practice after lessons in our classroom. Some assignments have due dates and some do not. The students always have extra time to finish what's been assigned. The work, Quizziz, videos, etc. are not intended to be graded like a middle school or high school level student. It’s also not intended to panic or worry guardians at home. Most of the work needs to be done in school and is also not intended for homework. I use the data in most assignments to “drive my instruction” as well as formative assessments. What’s amazing is that students can upload videos or screenshots of work so you will be able to access a view into your child's day. I am learning this process along with students and parents and am excited about its potential. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we take this journey together.

Have a great week!
   Important Upcoming Events:

Late Starts: 10/16, 10/23, 10/30
Conferences: 10/14, 10/16
Halloween Party 10/31 (watch for details)
              Weekly Special Schedule:
     Mon., Oct. 14th (F) - Gym, Music
        Tues., Oct. 15th (A)  - Gym, S.E.L.
          Wed., Oct. 16th (B)  - Late Start, Music
         Thurs., 17th (C) - Media Center
            Fri., Oct. 18th (D) - Art

Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're if you are new to the district it is very helpful.
 Itslearning Links:
                Parent Portal Directions:                   https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3DvAdAoKTFhUHZ1ZHRodkxRR2s/view?usp=sharing

              Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI  49085



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