Mrs. Abbott's Dream Team

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 Dear Families,
     Just to let you know we are having a Read-In tomorrow morning. You can send in a clear drink, snack, and of course books! We are also having a pizza lunch on me! We are ending the year strong and our class deserves a celebration. We are a classroom of readers so it only makes sense to end with what we do best-reading. We will also celebrate our informational pieces (Google Slides) in a "Author's Chair" format in the afternoon. See you at the picnic:) 

                                                          Upcoming Events
Lincoln School Picnic: 6/5 (5:00-7)
June 6: 1/2 day
June 7: Last Day of School (1/2 day) Awards Assembly (10:30-11:30)

Weekly Special Schedule:

Mon., June 3rd (B) - Art
Tues., June 4th (C) - Gym, Kiwanas Park picnic
Wed., June 5th (D) - READ-IN, Music, Lincoln School Picnic after school 5-7p.m.
Thurs., June 6th (E) 1/2 day p.m schedule no specials bring extra bag to clean out lockers/cubbies
June 7th - Last of school, 1/2 day Award Assembly 10:35-11:35

Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're new to the district. It is very helpful. 

Itslearning Links:

Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI  49085


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