Mrs. Abbott's Dream Team

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 Dear Families,
     Testing is over! The students were wonderful throughout the long process. Thank you for your cooperation.
We have several important end of the year dates coming up in May and June listed below so mark your calendars:)
Have a great week!
                                                          Upcoming Events:
                                                          Healthworks for 4th grade: 5/29 (1:30-3:30)
Field Day: 5/31
Kiwanas Park: 6/4
Lincoln School Picnic: 6/5 (5:00-7)
June 6: 1/2 day
June 7: Last Day of School (1/2 day) Awards Assembly (10:30-11:30)

Weekly Special Schedule:

Mon., May 27th - No School
Tues., May 28th (D) - Music
Wed., May 29th (E) - Mr. Hubble Read aloud, Healthworks
Thurs., May 30th (F)  - Gym
Fri., May 31st (A) -Senior Clap-Out, Field Day
Mon., June 3rd (B) - Art
Tues., June 4th (C) - Gym, Kiwanas Park picnic
Wed., June 5th (D) - Music, Lincoln School Picnic after school 5-7p.m.
Thurs., June 6th (E) 1/2 day p.m schedule no specials bring extra bag to clean out lockers/cubbies
June 7th - Last of school, 1/2 day Award Assembly 10:35-11:35

Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're new to the district. It is very helpful. 

Itslearning Links:

Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI  49085


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