Mrs. Abbott's Dream Team

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Dear Families,
Just a reminder that report cards will be sent home the week of February 25th. Like I mentioned last week, I have contacted via email anyone who needs a conference, because conferences for 2nd Trimester is done primarily on an "as needed basis" for students needing additional academic, social or emotional support.  I will also indicate on the report card in the comments section whether or not I feel it necessary to meet for a conference. However, if for any reason you have any concerns or questions about your child and would like to meet please contact me via email and/or we can set up a time to meet. We can always discuss by phone too:) My door is always open.
  The Valentines Day Party was low-key and wonderful. The students always enjoy snacks and reading the cards they get from their classmates. I would also like to thank the committee and families who sent in snacks to help make it so successful. Our class really appreciated the thoughtfulness!
  Our class has also earned enough class clips to touch the floor again! They would like to do another Read-In. We will have it Friday, March 1st on the 1/2 day. This day launches "March Reading Month" which couldn't be more fitting:) Have a fabulous week!

Upcoming Events:

Late Start: 2/20, 2/27
Half day End of Trimester: 2/22
Half Day: 1/28, 3/1

Weekly Special Schedule:
Mon., Feb. 18th (E) - Media Center, Talent Show
Tues., Feb. 19th (F) - Math Center, Gym, Computer Lab
Wed., Feb. 20th (A)  - Late Start, Art, Music
Thurs., Feb. 21st (B)  - Art
Fri., Feb. 22nd (C) - Gym

Mon., Feb. 25th (D) - Music
Tues., Feb. 26th (E) - Math Center, Media Center
Wed., Feb. 27th (F)  - Late Start, Gym
Thurs., Feb. 28th (A)  - 1/2 Day
Fri., Mar. 1st (B) - 1/2 Day, Gym

Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're new to the district. It is very helpful. 

Itslearning Links:

Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI  49085


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