Hello Parents,
We had another busy, but great week! Just a reminder: Each day your child should be bringing home his/her planner. They should have the book title of the good fit book he/she is reading, the minutes (at least 20), and if your child chooses to do extra Moby math, Moby fluency, Moby language, IXL, word study practice beyond the reading minutes, I will give an extra 5 yards if it is signed by the adult at home. I recommend Moby fluency for extra multiplication and division practice. In addition, if your child is working on Moby (or other computer practice) and they have to do a placement test or just practice please do not help them by giving answers. Moby is designed to move the student according to his/her level. If students' are helped and given answers, then information will be misrepresented. Moby moves the child at his/her pace. This is extra independent practice. Thank you for your cooperation.
Regarding the Halloween party, the Halloween committee is putting together some activities and snacks. If you want to send in extra snacks that is fine. If you could let me know in advance that would be helpful. Students may also wear their costume to school. We are encouraging students to keep the costume "simple" since they will be wearing it all day.
On Friday, Nov. 2nd we are going to have a READ-IN! Our class earned enough "Class Clips" and wanted to redeem them for a READ-IN. The class voted on having it at the beginning of the month. A READ-IN means they can bring in their favorite books from home or any books from school and read the entire morning. Students are allowed to bring in a favorite stuffed animal from home, a snack, a clear drink and of course their favorite books. They will also be able to take reading counts if they are ready. Because it is at the end of the Trimester and a 1/2, it will a perfect time to celebrate all of the great things they have accomplished by following Bear Necessities and meeting learning goals. Great job!
Upcoming Events:
Late Starts: 10/31
Halloween Party: 10/31
READ-IN: 11/2 (bring in favorite books from home, snacks and a clear drink)
Weekly Schedule:
Monday (D) Oct. 29th - Music
Tuesday (E) Oct. 30th - Math Center, J.A., Media Center, Buddies
Wednesday (F) Oct. 31st - Late Start, Gym
Thursday (A) Nov. 1st - SSW, Art, Music
Friday (B) Nov. 2nd - Art, READ-IN, 1/2 day dismissal 12:05
Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're new to the district. It is very helpful.
Itslearning Links:
Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI 49085
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