Welcome to Mrs. Abbott’s Dream Team

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Dear Parent or Guardian,

Conference time is quickly approaching. Our report cards will be sent
home the week of March 2nd. As many of you know, conferences will be
primarily done on an “as-needed basis” for students needing additional
academic, social or emotional support. I will be contacting you via email
to set up a conference time.  If you do not receive a conference email
and would like to meet with me, just email me and we can schedule a
time. My door is always open:)
Our Valentine's Party will be Friday, February, 14th from 2:30-3:30. At
this party, our class exchanges Valentine's cards and eat snacks
brought in by the committed parents signed up for at our Parent night
in the fall. If you would like your child to participate, you can send in
cards. Also, if your child wants to create and decorate a card box,
he/she can make one at home and bring it in on that day. The class list
of names for the cards is in last week's post. I also posted the list in Google
Classroom under the heading of Valentine's Day class list.


Important Upcoming Events:

Valentine's Day Party

End of 2nd Trimester: 2/28
Report Cards week of March 2nd

Late Starts: 2/12, 2/26
Weekly Special Schedule:
Mon., Feb., 10th (F) - Gym, Music
Tues., Feb., 11th - (A) Math Center, Gym, S.E.L
Wed., Feb., 12th - (B) Late Start, Music
Thurs., Feb., 13th - (C) Media Center
Fri., Feb., 14th - (D) Art, Valentine's Day Party
Google Classroom Link: https://classroom.google.com/w/NDA3MDc2NTU4Njha/t/all
Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI 49085


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