Welcome to Mrs. Abbott’s Dream Team
Dear Parent or Guardian,
This month is March Reading Month! To kick-off this celebration we will have
"Dress like a Super Hero" and a Read-In this coming Friday, March 6th. Your
child may bring in a snack, clear drink, blankets, pillows and of course lots of books!
Also, remember reports cards will be coming home this next week. If you would
sign and return the envelope your child can earn 10 yards! Thanks so much:)
We are getting excited about our annual 4th grade trip to Lansing on Friday, March 20th. All fourth graders will tour the capitol building and the Michigan Historical Museum. If you would like to chaperone our trip to Lansing. Please sign and return the note that went home last week and return. All chaperones will need to pay a $4 admission fee for the Michigan Historical Museum. Please include your contact information and whether or not you can drive/take other parents in your vehicle. We will send home a note with a list of all chaperones. This will allow you to determine carpooling arrangements because there is no room on the bus for parents. Keep in mind that if you chaperone your child will have to ride the bus there and back to school and not with the chaperone. More information will be coming home. Thanks for all you do!
"Dress like a Super Hero" and a Read-In this coming Friday, March 6th. Your
child may bring in a snack, clear drink, blankets, pillows and of course lots of books!
Also, remember reports cards will be coming home this next week. If you would
sign and return the envelope your child can earn 10 yards! Thanks so much:)
We are getting excited about our annual 4th grade trip to Lansing on Friday, March 20th. All fourth graders will tour the capitol building and the Michigan Historical Museum. If you would like to chaperone our trip to Lansing. Please sign and return the note that went home last week and return. All chaperones will need to pay a $4 admission fee for the Michigan Historical Museum. Please include your contact information and whether or not you can drive/take other parents in your vehicle. We will send home a note with a list of all chaperones. This will allow you to determine carpooling arrangements because there is no room on the bus for parents. Keep in mind that if you chaperone your child will have to ride the bus there and back to school and not with the chaperone. More information will be coming home. Thanks for all you do!
Important Upcoming Events:
Report Cards week of March 2nd
Late Starts: 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25
March Reading Month: 3/5-4/3
March 5th & 6th: 1/2 days
March Reading Month: 3/5-4/3
March 5th & 6th: 1/2 days
Weekly Special Schedule:
Mon., Mar. 2nd - (C) - Gym (makeup), Media Center
Tues., Mar. 3rd - (D) Math Center, Art
Wed., Mar. 4th - (E) Late Start, Art
Thurs., Mar. 5th - (F) 1/2 day
Fri., Mar. 6th - (A) 1/2 day
Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI 49085
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