Welcome to Mrs. Abbott’s Dream Team

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Dear Parent or Guardian,

   Just another reminder report cards will be sent home the week of March 2nd. 
Please check emails in regards to a conference which will be primarily
done on an “as-needed basis” for students needing additional academic,
social or emotional support. If you do not receive a conference email
and would like to meet with me, just let me know and we can schedule a
time. My door is always open:)

Important Upcoming Events:

End of 2nd Trimester: 2/28 (1/2 day)
Report Cards week of March 2nd
Late Starts: 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25
March Reading Month: 3/5-4/3
March 5th & 6th: 1/2 days

Weekly Special Schedule:
Mon., Feb., 24th  (D) - Gym
Tues., Feb., 25th - (E) Math Center, Art
Wed., Feb., 26th - (F) Late Start, Music
Thurs., Feb., 27th - (A) Gym, S.E.L.
Fri., Feb., 28th - (B) 1/2 day

Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.

St. Joseph, MI 49085


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