Welcome to Mrs. Abbott’s Dream Team!

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Dear Parent or Guardian,

     This is the last week before the holiday break and we have some fun activities planned! On Tuesday, December 17th, we are having our skating day. We will leave Lincoln at 1:00. We can plan on skating from 1:15 to1:45. We have to leave at 2:00. If you are able to join us that would be great. You can walk over with us or meet at the rink. We will also be walking over with our 1st-grade buddies. We could really use help with tying all of those skates! Thank you so much.

     On Friday, we have the holiday concert at the high school. It is also elf day, so students can dress like an elf if they want to. After lunch, we will have a read-in. This will be a nice time to not only bring in their favorite books but to think about their reading plan for the two weeks we are off from school. They will create their “commitment book list” as part of their plan. The holiday break is a time, of course, to relax and enjoy our families, but I encourage the students to also not take a break from reading. As part of our read-in, there is a committee of people who signed up at back-to-school night who will be sending in holiday treats. However, if you have a special treat you would like to send in that is wonderful. We will supply water, but if you want to send in a clear drink that is fine. Thank you:)

Important Upcoming Events:
Book Fair: Week of 12/9
Late Starts:
Lincoln Pancake Breakfast: 12/14
Ice Skating: 12/17 from 1:00-2:00
SJHS Holiday Sing, Elf Day, Classroom ​Read-In: 12/20
Holiday Break: 12/21-1/5/20

Weekly Special Schedule:

  Fri., Dec. 13th (F) - Gym, Music
  Mon., Dec. 16th - (A) Gym, S.E.L.
Tues., Dec. 17th - (B) - Ice Skating 1:00-2:00, Music
Wed., Dec., 18th (C) - No late start, J.A.
Thurs., Dec. 19th - (D) - Art
Fri., Dec. 20th - (E)  - Elf Day, H.S. Holiday Concert, Read-In

Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're if you are new to the district it is very helpful.
 Itslearning Links:
                Parent Portal Directions:                   https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3DvAdAoKTFhUHZ1ZHRodkxRR2s/view?usp=sharing

              Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI  49085


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