Welcome to Mrs. Abbott’s Dream Team!

Image result for clip art  school 4th grade images
Dear Families,
     On the first day of school, please bring a good fit book.  We will begin our practice of reading stamina on the first day of school!  You will also want to bring a healthy snack and water bottle. Be ready to bring or talk about one of your favorite things in life.  (This item can be no larger than your backpack.) Please turn in the transportation card, emergency card, or any other forms, if they were not brought to the Ice Cream Social.  I can’t wait to see you again on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, in our fourth-grade classroom. We’re going to have a terrific year together! We will also have gym on the first day so bring your gym shoes. See
you soon!
 Important Upcoming Events:
*Monday, 9/16/19 - Back to School Night for parents in rm. 205.
*Thursday, 9/19/19 - Picture Day!
*Friday, 10/4/19 - Laps for Lincoln
         Weekly Special Schedule:
     Tues., Sept. 3rd (A) - Gym
        Wed., Sept. 4th (B)  - Music
                Thurs., Sept. 5th (C)  - No Specials
    Fri., Sept. 6th (D) - Art
Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're if you are new to the district it is very helpful
                Itslearning Links:
                Parent Portal Directions:                   https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3DvAdAoKTFhUHZ1ZHRodkxRR2s/view?usp=sharing
              Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI  49085


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