Dear Families,
Thank you to all the parents who are able to send in money for Laps for Lincoln. Our class finished first on Friday at over $500! Wow! I look forward to seeing as many families who can come out to support Laps at Lincoln this year. It’s going to be amazing:)
Just a reminder your child should try to read every night for a least 20 minutes. Each week I’m trying to have a focus on different websites as an extra homework to earn 5 yards. If the adult at home signs the planner, your child could potentially earn 10 yards a day or 50 yards for the week! Last week, the “online” focus was Khan Mappers. This website can be accessed through Google Classroom. Khan Mappers allows students to practice areas of strengths and weaknesses based on their NWEA math data. Your child will need to sign in through their Google account. If it’s not working it may be because the adult is already logged in and you will have to switch users. Keep in mind I understand families are busy in the evening and the on-line work is extra and there is no pressure. We are using these sites at school.
When students earn a touchdown they will write it in their planner and show you. I will sign it to verify the touchdown. This may be helpful if they want to chew gum or bring in a device or board game. I allow gum chewing for a day only in the classroom. Also for device games, this is played at one recess time when I don't have recess duty. If you want to bring in a pet you can email me and we can set up a time. This is usually done at the end of the day. Keep in mind C-day or days when I have recess duty will not work for some touchdowns:)
Most everyone has signed up for their child’s student-led conference in October. Parents who have not please check your email.
Have a great week!
Important Upcoming Events:
Late Starts: 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30
10/4/19 - Laps for Lincoln at Lincoln 5-7 p.m.
10/2: Count Day
Conferences Begin: 10/10
Weekly Special Schedule:
Mon., Sept. 30th (B) - Music
Tues., Oct. 1st (C) - Media Center
Wed., Oct. 2nd (D) - Late Start, Art
Thurs., Oct. 3rd (E) - Art
Fri., Oct. 4th (F) - Gym, Music, LAPS for Lincoln!
Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're if you are new to the district it is very helpful.
Itslearning Links:
Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI 49085
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