Mrs. Abbott's Dream Team
Dear Families,
Just a reminder that report cards will be sent home this week. Like I mentioned last week, I have contacted via email anyone who needs a conference, because conferences for 2nd Trimester is done primarily on an "as needed basis" for students needing additional academic, social or emotional support. I will also indicate on the report card in the comments section whether or not I feel it necessary to meet for a conference. However, if for any reason you have any concerns or questions about your child and would like to meet please contact me via email and/or we can set up a time to meet. We can always discuss by phone too:) My door is always open.
Our 4th grade trip to Lansing will be Friday, March 22nd. Students will be bringing home chaperone
information in their report card envelopes. We are allowed a certain number of chaperones based on
the number of kids in each classroom. To be fair, we will accept parent chaperones on a first-come-
first-serve basis by returning the note. Parents will need to drive separately. Thank you for your help
and understanding.
This Friday, March 1st on the 1/2 day we will have our Read-In. Students bring in snacks, a clear
drink, wear their P.J.s and bring a stuffed animal. This day launches "March Reading Month"
which couldn't be more fitting:) Have a fabulous week!
Upcoming Events:
Late Start: 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20
Half day End of Trimester: 2/22
Half Day Conference Schedule Begins: 3/1
Weekly Special Schedule:
Mon., Feb. 25th (D) - Music
Tues., Feb. 26th (E) - Math Center, Media Center
Wed., Feb. 27th (F) - Late Start, Gym
Thurs., Feb. 28th (A) - 1/2 Day
Fri., Mar. 1st (B) - 1/2 Day, Read-In, Gym,
Kick-Off to March Reading Month!
Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're new to the district. It is very helpful.
Itslearning Links:
Processing the itsLearning Parent Portal:
Parent Portal Directions:
Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher Lincoln Elementary School 1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI 49085
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