Mrs. Abbott's Dream Team

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Upcoming Events:
Late Start: 11/28, (NO Late Start: 11/21)
Half Days: 11/21
Thanksgiving Break: No School 11/22, 11/23
Calling All Colors: 11/27
Second Grade Program: 11/27

Weekly Schedule:
Monday (A) 19th - Art, Music
Tuesday (B) 20th - Art, 
Wednesday (C) 21st - 1/2 day, Gym
Monday (D) 26th - Music
Tuesday (E) 27th - 2nd-grade program, Calling All Colors, Media Center 
Wednesday (F) 28th - Late Start, Gym, Computer Lab
Thursday (A) 29th - SSW, Art, Music
Friday (B) 30th - Art

Just a quick note: Below is a link and code for your child to practice and review social studies vocabulary and concepts we have been working on in class. The students have been reviewing these Quizzizz in class and know how to access them. Students can get 5 extra yards for practicing and an extra 5 yards beyond that for passing with an 80% or better. Good luck! Have a nice Thanksgiving break!
Quizizz extra homework practice:
Physical Characteristics quiz code: 300139
Relative Location quiz code: 820101

Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're new to the district. It is very helpful. 

Itslearning Links:

Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI  49085


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