Hello Parents,

I want to give a special thanks to our classroom, parents and PTO. My birthday was this week and not only did I receive special cards and gifts, the students and many people really went out of their way to make my birthday very special. It was completely unexpected. Thank you so much for your kindness. It really warmed my heart. Lincoln school really is a family:) 

We have had a very sucessful beginning to our school year starting with the Ice Cream Social and continuing on through the wonderful Parent Night meeting. We are looking forward to our next big event, Laps for Lincoln on Friday, October 5th. I will be sending home sometime next week (hopefully Monday) Student/Parent/Teacher conference slips with a preferred time. These will be a student-led conference, so your child will need to come to discuss goals and all of the wonderful progress he/she is making! We can always make adjustments. Email me with any questions you may have. I want to remind parents to send in a picture in a frame, so your child can put it up in the classroom. Also, if you haven't turned in a few pictures yet, please consider sending some in so we can get them put onto their writer's notebook. 

Teachers had a very informative meeting on "Digital Citizen" this last week. We want our students to learn and understand how to be appropiate, responsible, and safe when using technology. We will be spending time in the computer lab teaching lessons each week. Below is a helpful link that was shared with us at our training called, Common Sense Media. It may be helpful as we all learn how to navigate this together:)

Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're new to the district. It is very helpful. 

Itslearning Links:

Late Starts: 9/19/18, 9/26/18

Laps for Linking: Friday, October 5

Weekly Schedule:

Monday (C) Sept. 24th - Gym
Tuesday  (D) Sept. 25th -Music
Wednesday (E) Sept. 26th - Late Start, Library
Thursday (F) Sept. 27th - Gym, Computer Lab
Friday (A) Sept. 28th - SSW, Art, Music

Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI  49085


Hello Parents,

I want to give a special thanks to our classroom, parents and PTO. My birthday was this week and not only did I receive special cards and gifts, the students and many people really went out of their way to make my birthday very special. It was completely unexpected. Thank you so much for your kindness. It really warmed my heart. Lincoln school really is a family:) 

We have had a very sucessful beginning to our school year starting with the Ice Cream Social and continuing on through the wonderful Parent Night meeting. We are looking forward to our next big event, Laps for Lincoln on Friday, October 5th. I will be sending home sometime next week (hopefully Monday) Student/Parent/Teacher conference slips with a preferred time. These will be a student-led conference, so your child will need to come to discuss goals and all of the wonderful progress he/she is making! We can always make adjustments. Email me with any questions you may have. I want to remind parents to send in a picture in a frame, so your child can put it up in the classroom. Also, if you haven't turned in a few pictures yet, please consider sending some in so we can get them put onto their writer's notebook. 

Teachers had a very informative meeting on "Digital Citizen" this last week. We want our students to learn and understand how to be appropiate, responsible, and safe when using technology. We will be spending time in the computer lab teaching lessons each week. Below is a helpful link that was shared with us at our training called, Common Sense Media. It may be helpful as we all learn how to navigate this together:)

Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're new to the district. It is very helpful. 

Itslearning Links:

Late Starts: 9/19/18, 9/26/18

Laps for Linking: Friday, October 5

Weekly Schedule:

Monday (C) Sept. 24th - Gym
Tuesday  (D) Sept. 25th -Music
Wednesday (E) Sept. 26th - Late Start, Library
Thursday (F) Sept. 27th - Gym, Computer Lab
Friday (A) Sept. 28th - SSW, Art, Music

Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI  49085

Hello Parents,

I want to give a special thanks to our classroom, parents and the PTO. My birthday was this week and not only did I receive special cards and gifts, the students and many people really went out of their way to make my birthday very special. It was completely unexpected. Thank you so much for your kindness. It really warmed my heart. Lincoln school really is a family:) 

We have had a very successful beginning to our school year starting with the Ice Cream Social and continuing on through the wonderful Parent Night meeting. We are looking forward to our next big event, Laps for Lincoln on Friday, October 5th. I will be sending home sometime next week (hopefully Monday) Student/Parent/Teacher conference slips with a preferred time. These will be a student-led conference, so your child will need to come to discuss goals and all of the wonderful progress he/she is making! We can always make adjustments. Email me with any questions you may have. I want to remind parents to send in a picture in a frame, so your child can put it up in the classroom. Also, if you haven't turned in a few pictures yet, please consider sending some in so we can get them put onto their writer's notebook. 

Teachers had a very informative meeting on "Digital Citizen" this last week. We want our students to learn and understand how to be appropriate, responsible, and safe when using technology. We will be spending time in the computer lab teaching lessons each week. Below is a helpful link that was shared with us at our training called, Common Sense Media. It may be helpful as we all learn how to navigate this together:)

Below is the learning links to itslearning. If you need to refresh on the process or if you're new to the district. It is very helpful. 

Itslearning Links:

Late Starts: 9/19/18, 9/26/18

Laps for Linking: Friday, October 5

Weekly Schedule:

Monday (C) Sept. 24th - Gym
Tuesday  (D) Sept. 25th -Music
Wednesday (E) Sept. 26th - Late Start, Library
Thursday (F) Sept. 27th - Gym, Computer Lab
Friday (A) Sept. 28th - SSW, Art, Music

Renee Abbott
Fourth Grade Teacher
Lincoln Elementary School
1102 Orchard Ave.
St. Joseph, MI  49085


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